Private Villa - Kerala

Kerala, India

Located in Kerala, India, this 200sqm tropical villa has a minimalistic theme with a contemporary design. It takes one on a back-to-basics spin, where visual elements are defined based on basic geometric forms and straight lines, staying clear of anything ornate and excessive. Designed by RVI, the villa is customized to suit every detail befitting the lifestyles of the resident, from the architecture, and interior, to the landscaping, automation, and décor. A very strong emphasis on the natural is created by bringing the outdoors inside the villa and creating a seamless transition. The house includes two bedrooms and a guestroom with facilities such as an outdoor bar and swimming pool. Both of these features offer seamless views of the landscape, creating a visual treat for everyone. Tactfully located outdoor seating, gazebos and artifacts add to the design. Chic, sophisticated and modern: this space has a distinct identity.

Private Villa – Kerala


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